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Taiji splitting elbow talk

September 16, 2014

Thanks for the comments Audi :) 

I think we're all the same...most of us in the Martial Arts world i.e., "we love to keep learning".  If you have any references on your patterns, mabe videos or articles i'd love to check them out.    Much appreciated. 

About what you said:  "one thing I might do differently than in the split drill you showed is that I would tend to show split with the arm controlling the opponent's elbow with my palm open and facing away from me rather than in a fist with the back of the fist facing away. In doing split, we would also tend to try to keep the opponent's forearm so that his/her palm and the inside of his/her elbow would be on the same side. If we twist the opponent's arm, I think this would be more to get the opponent's elbow to rise and to apply Roll Back energy to it. "

I'd like to explain why I do it that way:   In our school there are 3 main ways to split the elbow;  up, down & horizontally.  Also it is critical before I go further to say that splitting the...

Tags: tai chi splitting elbow

Posted at: 12:44 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

A students interview... :)

March 31, 2014

Jackson Interview

Hello Sifu,
This is Jackson "-------", your student at Mitchell College. I thoroughly appreciate that you agreed to answer a few questions for my research paper, as it's a kind gesture and I hold you in high regard. As I mentioned before, I will need to be able to use these answers in my paper and cite you as the source. If that's a problem, I completely understand. Otherwise, it would be ideal if you could be as detailed as possible in your answers. I realize this may take much time and effort on your part, and it is greatly appreciated. Even if you have to send me one answer at a time, it would greatly aid my work. Thanks again!

Q1: Many MMA enthusiasts, including Joe Rogan, believe that traditional martial arts do not incorporate sparring and therefore do not make room for adaptation or evolution (i.e. impractical moves are not weeded out, adjustments for practicality are not made) in the art. Do you find this to be the case in the disciplines you know? Why or why not?  

Onassis:  You're welcome!   Well it really depends on the school and the teacher doesn't it?...

Tags: kung fu, mma, onassis parungao, traditional, training

Posted at: 11:44 PM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink

On Keeping the Shoulders Relaxed

October 2, 2012

Everyone in CMA says "relax the shoulder and sink the elbow"...but some don't know what to feel or how to achieve it.

Stand about arm length away from a wall and push with say one of your palms....right for example.

To train this feeling... sink your arm down and slightly out of the shoulder joint. Literally feel your Humerus bone (upper arm bone) slightly pull down and away as you push on the wall. When you do this right, there will be a small divet or crater or bowl at the top of your shoulder. You could pour water into it and it would stay there. haha.

You can maintain this push for a long time if your structure is correct.

Body memory is easy to train,


Posted at: 04:57 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Traditional vs. Modern Teaching Methods

February 11, 2010

I often hear people discuss this topic.  My mind thinks like a mechanic fixing a car.  How good is a powerful engine if you have a dead battery?     To me, the "Battery" is your inner will to learn and It preceeds everything.

 Training in martial arts can be exciting, vigorous and yes...painfull.  Of course there are many fringe benefits to learning kung fu.   But it's also about learning to conquer yourself. Lots of people start off like a bat outta hell and then fizzle out when the work gets tough or in their mind monotonous.

Or should I say when the student eventually hits that "inevitable Wall" in his/her learning curve. We see the true nature of the person and they either quit, proceed half-a-ss or continue on with the hard work.  Very few IMO, pick the latter of the three. It's natures way, and the "hard work" that is Gung fu is really NOT for everyone. It's really that simple.   For example. I personally have a poor "musical ear".   So I could never be a singer or musician but I accept that.   I do however seem to have a propensity for Kung Fu. Cool

My own method of teaching is like "Putting drops in...

Posted at: 01:07 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


February 10, 2010

Hello Sifu O

Thanks again for talking to me about stuff going on..I sorry if I interrupted your students' lesson- please him my apologies as well for taking time away..

Just wanted to ask you if you had some training recommendations for when I (and whom ever can make it from my bunch of friends) can come out there to visit and train with you.

Any certain forms or techniques we can start working on?

Thanks Much..    Victor R.


Vic, my advice to you guys is that you don’t NEED any more forms per say.

Without seeing your Kung Fu personally and from what you’ve told me I can only assume you need Rehash what you know from the Ground UP. The good news is…with all your years of training it shouldn’t take you long to make adjustments and then you should be more satisfied.

Most of all footwork.

HORSE Stand in horse, your feet only touch 2 places on the ground. You are only strong in those 2 directions in which "THEY" intersect. That means any angle that is perpendicular to those points represents a weakness. Do you follow? If you knew what I know about application of...

Posted at: 01:41 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Student Question and Answer Time

February 2, 2010

O-Sifu –

Last night you spoke of some basic principles that you keep in mind when confronting a new situation. One of them was “The way into danger is the way out of danger.” I know the others (you’ve said them many times), but can’t recall them in this context – can you repeat them for me?

Thanks, Mike


Hi Mike,

A general rule for Tai Chi is to “Absolve yourself all thoughts of trying to WIN…rather you should just try to DO WHATS CORRECT and let the win happen by itself”. In a world where Eye of the Tiger is thrust in your face constantly it’s hard to do, but necessary. This concept has personally saved me many times versus skilled and aggressive opponents.

The most important thing is to just BE in the moment and "FOLLOW". You must listen and follow / react to what is given. It's sometimes very hard to curtail yourself and sit back....waiting for the other guy to give you some energy but that's really the best way.

I have however, gone against this and on rare occasion we worked on how to be the attacker but that is frowned upon in Tai...


Tags: kung fu, tai chi

Posted at: 09:51 AM | Permalink

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